Timberline Adult Day Services (TIMBERLINE) is committed to operating at the highest standard of accountability, transparency, and ethics. We seek to earn your trust by sharing information on how we operate and the ways we use donated dollars to achieve our mission. The following details reflect our commitment to donors, volunteers, and the individuals we serve.

Internal and External Oversight

The Directors who serve and oversee TIMBERLINE help develop and advance the interests of our donors in ways that go beyond just raising money. Good governance is more than just supporting the organization – it also means representing the community’s interests in what we do. Our Board of Directors has three fundamental legal obligations, or fiduciary duties, which apply to everything we do.

Duty of Care: The amount of care an ordinarily prudent person would exercise in a like position and under similar circumstances. This describes the criteria our Directors must give to making decisions on behalf of TIMBERLINE.

Duty of Loyalty: Keeping the interests of TIMBERLINE in mind when making decisions on behalf of the organization.

Duty of Obedience: Requires board members to be faithful to our mission; consistent with the mission statement, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and tax-exempt documentation.

Working in partnership with our professional staff, our Directors also cooperate with key legal bodies and various independent organizations that evaluate charities on several factors, not the least of which is an organization’s degree of accountability and transparency.


Organizational & Financial Information

Legally Incorporated: The BYLAWS and ARTICLES of INCORPORATION illustrate how our organization is structured and managed.

Tax Exempt: We are recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a tax-exempt organization. The IRS DETERMINATION LETTER confirms this designation.

Volunteer Governance: Our BOARD of DIRECTORS provides internal oversight of the organization.

Professionally Staffed: Our KEY EMPLOYEES provide the services needed to achieve our mission.

Our CODE OF ETHICS AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY and annual disclosure practice ensure ethical behavior among our board of directors, staff, and volunteers.

Independently Audited: Our most recent FINANCIAL STATEMENT details our use of donor funds and assets.

IRS Verified: Our IRS FORM 990 (FY 2021), IRS FORM 990 (FY 2022), and IRS FORM 990 (FY 2023) confirm the annual tax filing information we must submit to maintain our tax-exempt designation.

Stewardship Publicly Reported: Our ANNUAL REPORT/IMPACT STATEMENT of activities for each year provides details on our accomplishments and results, thanks to your generous support.

Privacy Respected: TIMBERLINE subscribes to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) DONOR BILL OF RIGHTS to honor the privacy of our donors. We do not sell, share, or trade donors’ personal information to any other entity. Donors are recognized in the organization’s annual report to the community. Donors wishing to remain anonymous should notify us when a gift is made. DONOR BILL OF RIGHTS AND PRIVACY POLICY

Timberline Adult Day Program is an IRS designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Charitable Organization Number 47-0885742
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